
Let’s End Poverty is committed to being an inclusive movement that listens to experience and expertise from communities across the UK. That’s why we’ve set up different groups to lead and shape the movement. Our hope is that these groups will help everyone to have a voice, bring their experience and expertise and feel ownership of the movement. Click on each group to find out more and how you can get involved.

The Assembly

Who: Everyone. People who care about seeing poverty in the UK ended and want to take action to make this happen.

What: A space to share ideas, mobilise action and develop through training.

The Assembly is the biggest and most important space in the movement. It shows the breadth of people who care about building and strengthening the movement to end poverty in the UK. Everyone is welcome, whether you come by yourself, with a group or representing a network or organisation. No membership is needed to join in with Assembly gatherings – it’s an open space. The Assembly will meet online, in person and in virtual spaces for ongoing collaboration.

The Enabling Group

Who: 11 appointed people, chosen through an open application process, in addition to two recruited co-chairs.

WhatThe group who have strategic oversight of the movement, making strategic decisions about priority and action.

The Enabling Group provide a strategic role in the oversight of movement activities. They help the movement make choices that support our aims and keep moving in a positive direction. They are accountable to the Assembly, reporting back to them on progress and key decisions. Members of the Enabling Group are recruited through an application process, where individuals can apply for a particular seat on the group. A panel will then build a balanced group where members represent a diverse range of experiences and perspectives. Diversity, in terms of lived experience, ethnicity, geographical location and gender, will be prioritised.

We are currently receiving expressions of interest in the role of co-chairs of the Enabling Group. Please click here for more information. 

Working Groups

Who: Volunteers from across the movement.

What: Flexible and responsive groups focused on carrying out a specific action or task for the movement.

Working groups are the action focused groups of the movement, supporting everyone in the assembly to take action or develop a specific tasks. Each group has a specific action or task to complete, e.g. engaging with a specific audience, or coordinating a campaign action or event. Working group members are volunteers who can give some of their time and expertise to the task. Anyone can volunteer, and each group has two co-chairs who will coordinate the groups.