Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about how Let's End Poverty works? We hope you'll find the answer here. If not, email

Who is the Let's End Poverty movement for?

Anyone and everyone who is passionate about seeing an end to poverty in the UK. Whether your motivation to take action comes from your personal experience of poverty, volunteering to support your community or working as part of a charity committed to tackling UK poverty, you can be part of building the movement to end poverty in the UK.  Movements are built by their members – shaped by the energy, enthusiasm, skills and experiences we each bring which become more than the sum of their parts.

I'm an individual - how do I get involved?

As an individual, you can get involved in the Let’s End Poverty Assembly, the broadest and biggest gathering in the movement. As part of the Assembly you can get involved with strategy and planning, training and taking action. You can also sign up to be involved in working groups, and get support to take action in your local community. Click here to sign up.

I'm part of an organisation or group - how can we get involved?

Your organisation or group can be part of the Let’s End Poverty Movement in a number of ways:

  • Sign up to show your organisation’s support – If you agree with the principles of the movement and what we’re aiming for, you can add your organisation’s support by clicking here to sign up. This will bring you into our network of organisations and groups working to mobilise and organise support for the movement. It will also help to demonstrate the breadth of solidarity and support within the movement.
  • Share with your supporters/members – Invite your supporters or members to join the be part of the movement. Movements are made up of people – you can join with us to mobilise and organise in your communities of influence. Sign up to find out ways you can get your supporters involved, or come up with your own actions and activities that will motivate and inspire your network.
  • Add resources in – Let’s End Poverty is being built by organisations and groups who believe in what we’re doing together and want to make it happen. If you can offer resources such as time, training, finance or infrastructure into the movement, we’d love to talk.

What happens now the General Election has taken place?

Let’s End Poverty was established in anticipation of the 2024 General Election, and we built up lots of our momentum by campaigning and speaking out together to put poverty on the agenda. Now that the Election has taken place and a new government has been elected, we are working on plans to continue to work collaboratively to make ending poverty a political priority.

In October 2024 we launched 15 open letters to the Prime Minister from people with experience of poverty. Click here to read these letters.

How is the Let's End Poverty movement governed?

A movement is made up of it’s members, and it’s really important that everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard. That’s why Let’s End Poverty has a governance structure that enables people from communities across the UK to lead, whilst organisations support with their time, resources and expertise. Through an Assembly, Enabling Group, Delivery Group and Working Groups, there are lots of ways individuals and organisations can be part of shaping strategy. Click here to find out more about the governance structure.

Is this another policy campaign?

There are lots of great campaigns calling for policy changes to help tackle poverty in the UK. Let’s End Poverty isn’t focused on one policy ask, but on creating more space in public and political conversation about why now is the time to tackle poverty in the UK, to convince our political leaders to make ending UK poverty one of their top priorities. Let’s End Poverty should amplify rather than overshadow the great work already taking place in communities and at a national level, and ultimately work to see these efforts come to fruition.

I’m on Universal Credit or live on a low income – can I be supported to attend events and meetings?

If getting involved in an Assembly gathering or movement event involves travel costs, we have some bursaries available to help you get there. When you sign up for an event, tell us that you’d be interested in hearing more about this and we’ll get in touch.

What are you doing about the Lobbying Act?

Let’s End Poverty is made up of lots of different organisations, and The Methodist Church in Britain is playing a coordinating and facilitative role. As many of the organisations supporting Let’s End Poverty are charities, and in the context of a General Election, there are a number of regulations we need to be aware of as we work together.

We have put together some guidance to help supporting organisations participate confidently in Let’s End Poverty, and agree a shared approach to our campaigning.

Click here to find out more about the General Election and Let’s End Poverty. 

Are you with us?

(required – we know that not everyone has a fixed address. If you need to , provide a local postcode for the area in which you are based.)
If you have experienced poverty, would you be willing to share your experiences with the movement?
(Anything you share here might be shared anonymously through our communications)
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